Chemical resistance of Vical SA acrylic sheet

Chemical Substance Code Chemical Substance Code
Acetic Acid (10%) LR Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) R
Acetic Acid (Glacial) NR Isopropyl Alcohol LR
Acetone NR Kerosene R
Ammonium Chloride R Lacquer Thinner NR
Benzene NR Methyl Alcohol (100%) NR
Calcium Chloride R Methyl Ethyl Ketone NR
Carbon Tetrachloride LR Methylene Chloride NR
Chloroform NR Nitric Acid (10%) R
Chromic Acid (10%) LR Nitric Acid (100%) NR
Chromic Acid (conc.) NR Phenol (5%) NR
Diethyl Ether NR Sodium Chloride R
Dyoctyl Phtalate LR Sodium Hydroxide (10%) R
Ethyl Acetate NR Sodium Hydroxide (60%) R
Ethylic Alcohol (30%) LR Sodium Hipochlorite R
Ethylic Alcohol (95%) NR Sulfuric Acid (3%) R
Ethylene Dichloride NR Sulfuric Acid (conc) NR
Ethylene Glycol R Toluene NR
Gasoline LR Trichloroethylene NR
Glycerine R TurDentine R
Hexane R Water (disttiled) R
Hydrochloric Acid R Xilene NR

R = Resistant. Vical withstands this substance for long periods and at temperatures up to 120°f (49°c).
LR =Limited Resistance. Vical only resists the action of this substance for short periods at room temperatures.
NR = Not Resistant. Vical is not resistant to this substance. it is either swelled, attacked, dissolved or damaged in some manner.

R Mineral Oils

LR Diluted Acids, Aldehydes, Aliphatic hydrocarbons, Bases

NR Acids (c); Alcohols; Esthers; Aromatic Hydrocarbons y Halogens; Ketones; Vegetable Oils, Oxidants agents




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